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             Pond mud contains largely toxic gases (such as H2S, NH3 and NO2), algae, moss, fungi and other harmful bacteria. They reproduce and survive from food scraps, feces, urine and other organic waste that will contaminate ponds seriously and affect the health of fish, shrimp. Stagnant water sources (water in ponds not to be replaced regularly) in fisheries production accumulating for a long time make the pathogenic micro-organisms grow and spread quickly.    

            Environmental degradation will make fish and shrimp get shocked and even lead to death or stunted growth. To prevent and control the disease, antibiotics, medicines and animal protection chemicals have been used. However, the use and abuse of antibiotics and chemicals have increased the likelihood of bacterial drug resistance. Also, the amount of drug residues in fisheries products will affect the farming environment, consumer health and commercial activities.        

Businesses would worry when buying fish and shrimp of the farmers because they cannot export and do their business if the fish and shrimp contain high concentrations of chemicals. Fisheries products returned will not be fresh anymore; therefore, economic value will be decreased, this causes harm enormously to the income of the farmers.






              So the question is how to control diseases in aquaculture while ensuring that products are produced safely and are good for environment? Probiotic products, a biological approach, which are friendly for the environment, have been applied in fisheries production to solve these issues

Solving pond pollutted problems, the Bacillus spp. now has been widely used and become commodities in some countries, forming probiotic manufacturing industry like other industries to serve aquaculture.

However, the selection of biological products is a major problem. If you choose products that contain too little of the density of micro-organisms or the density contained in a 1kg product is too sparse (like 10^7, 10^8, or 10^9) you will not reap the desired results. With advanced technology, Green Guard Company wholeheartedly represents two microbiological water treatment products with honest criteria, quality and efficiency. These two products will support you to choose the right biological product for a bumper crop.  



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